Breve Descripción del Programa:
"Este programa realiza el promedio individual de cada alumno, y lo almacena en una lista"
Private Sub clean_Click()
Text1 = ""
Text2 = ""
Text3 = ""
Text4 = ""
Text5 = ""
Text6 = ""
Text8 = ""
nombre = ""
Label3 = ""
End Sub
Private Sub p1_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim n1 As Double, n2 As Double, n3 As Double, n4 As Double, n5 As Double, n6 As Double
Dim promedio As Integer
n1 = Val(Text1)
n2 = Val(Text2)
n3 = Val(Text3)
n4 = Val(Text4)
n5 = Val(Text5)
n6 = Val(Text6)
promedio = ((n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 + n5 + n6) / 6)
Label3 = (promedio)
If promedio > 9.5 Then
Text8 = "Exelente"
End If
If promedio > 9 And promedio < 9.5 Then
Text8 = "Muy Bien"
End If
If promedio > 8.5 And promedio < 9 Then
Text8 = "Bien"
End If
If promedio >= 8 And promedio < 8.5 Then
Text8 = "Regular"
End If
If promedio < 8 Then
Text8 = "Mal"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub salir_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub save_Click()
Dim item As String
Dim item2 As Integer
item = UCase(nombre)
item2 = UCase(Label3)
List1.AddItem (nombre)
List2.AddItem (Label3)
End Sub
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